Eveline D.

“Taking the step to the Happy Mind Guide with Julie has changed the way I see things. For starters, I feel more aware, more confident and am learning to discover my own core again.
This is where everything starts from and where I can radiate this to my environment and others.

I get a lot of positive reactions from people around me. That gives me, among other things, the strength to continue.

I have read many books that helped me on my way, but with the personal guidance of Julie, you reach the core elements that fit your true self.

I would say take that step for yourself and you will see that you will soon have positive results.”

"Julie follows your pace but also makes adjustments and comes back to your goals when necessary. An ideal balance between 'following and 'steering' for me.…

"When I came to Julie I was at loss, my fears had taken the upper hand with me. I certainly didn't want to look for…

"After a burn-out and thinking I could get out of it on my own, I was exhausted, dizzy and had palpitations. As if I had…

"Julie is an amazing coach, and does it with heart and soul. She hears you fully, in a way that few people can. I appreciate…

"Julie coaches from a personal approach, so you immediately feel that you are understood and can be yourself. You don't get stuck in the process,…


"Julie helped me with professional and personal issues during this 6-month journey. Due to excessive pressure at work, I became very tired and I no longer had the…

"My goal was to bring peace back into my life. We all live as if we're being chased by someone. Julie has brought me back…

"I was in the middle of a burn-out and realized that I just couldn't go on like this... The psychologist at work advised me to…

At the beginning of coaching, I was completely lost myself. I no longer knew who I was, what I wanted and where I wanted to…

"I am grateful for what you have meant to me on my path."

"In the beginning of the coaching I felt very weak and without energy. During the 6-month journey, this energy has slowly but surely returned as…

"Before I went into coaching with Julie, I was living in a kind of chaos, in a perpetual battle with myself. I dreamed of being…

"Julie, thank you for guiding me through a difficult period. For making me realize that I also have talents that can be useful in another job.…


"Julie is a very warm person who helps you explore yourself in a gentle way. Because of her rather intuitive method, she also really plays…

"Julie has helped me so much in balancing my family and work life (I'm an independent). I got a lot of great tips that I…

"Taking the step to the Happy Mind Guide with Julie has changed the way I see things. For starters, I feel more aware, more confident…

"I came in contact with Julie following the recommendation of a colleague. Together we embarked on a journey to find "my own self" again. Slowly…


"It was a very enjoyable journey that really helped me to find myself again and to have confidence in myself. I was also able to…

"My feeling in the beginning was: a lot of stress both at work and at home. I am standing strong in life, but now I…

"I would definitely tell anyone who is considering coaching to go with the “Happy Mind Guide”, because I really found that her method of coaching…

"Julie was one of our speakers at a seminar for the Care Management training at Vives College. Julie is spontaneous and jovial, so that only…

"Have been fortunate enough to be close friends with Julie for years and to be coached by her on a regular basis. Julie is a…

"Very happy with the coaching. Julie is very good at providing customized coaching. I needed someone to work with me to figure out my life…

"Julie is a warm person who listens fantastically well to your story and is sincerely concerned about you. A fantastic coach with whom you immediately…

"About six months ago I contacted Julie for the first time because I was desperately in need of a huge breath of fresh air. My…

"Julie gave a very clear presentation on sleep, sleep problems, sleep disorders and much more. Our FERM members were very enthused and they went home…

"A year ago I was sleeping poorly, not seeing any progress or way out of a family work situation. Thanks to Julie her coaching, I…

At the time I contacted Julie, things were not going well for me for some time. I felt depressed and anxious, had dark thoughts. I…

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PS: Ik stuur niet te veel mails, maar als ik stuur, dan is het iets dat je zeker wil lezen en waar je iets aan hebt 😊

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PS: I don’t send too many emails, but when I do send, it’s something you’ll definitely want to read and benefit from 😊

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