You want it all!
A nice, well-paid job with a certain prestige. So you take on that extra project or task. No knowledge of it? No problem, you will figure it out along the way. Giving up isn’t part of your vocabulary, and so is saying ‘no’.
You combine this with your super-mom skills.
From creative Wednesday afternoons, driving around on play dates to hosting special day trips. Whilst mixing up daily a freshly produced, home-cooked balanced meal. You keep a clean and tidy ship at home. No free space in your agenda just “to be” but an overflowing social agenda, because you don’t want to miss out on anything. You bend over backwards to be there for everyone. But it all feels like you’re barely keeping all the plates spinning.
Life’s passing you by. You keep on going, following the herd while ignoring the stop signs.
You set the bar high for yourself and others because that’s what’s expected from you. You think if you reach that goal, that position in life, ‘Then they will like me… then will I be good enough… then will I be happy’. But once there, the feeling is still the same and your energy is at an all time low.
Wondering and pondering about your current life has become your new fulltime job.
‘Is this it?’, ‘Will I be doing this soul sucking job for the rest of my life?’ ‘Who am I really?’
This feels more like an existential crisis than a pleasure trip!!